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In order to ensure ethical, healthy, and integrity-based business practices, as well as to continuously ensure transparency and openness particularly related to the reporting of violations committed by both employees and management, Indonesia Power has established and implemented a Whistleblowing System  (WBS) based on the Joint Decree of the Board of Commissioners and Directors No. 250.K/010/IP/2019 and 020.SK/DEKOM-IP/2019 regarding the Violation Complaint Management Policy (Whistleblowing System) within PT Indonesia Power.

Whistleblowing System policy serves as a communication channel for employees, customers, business partners, and other parties to report incidents suspected to be related to fraudulent activities, criminal acts, violations of company policies, and breaches of ethical codes involving all levels of PLN Indonesia Power. Through this policy, it is hoped that all parties will be encouraged to report violations without fear of becoming victims, facing discrimination, or suffering losses.

Scope of the WBS Policy includes violations of the Code of Conduct, whether they may harm the Company financially or cause negative reputational impacts on PLN Indonesia Power. Both internal and external parties may report violations, including the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Commissioners Committee, the Directors, all Employees, and other stakeholders affiliated with PLN Indonesia Power. Meanwhile, individuals who may be reported as perpetrators of violations include the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Commissioners Committee, the Directors, and all Employees of PLN Indonesia Power.
Reports that can be submitted through WBS include reports of unethical/moral misconduct or other actions detrimental to the Company or stakeholders, conducted by Employees, Directors, the Board of Commissioners, or the Board of Commissioners Committee in accordance with the Company's Code of Ethics.

Dissemination of the WBS Policy continues both internally and externally to ensure effective implementation supported by all parties. Internal dissemination is carried out through various media including workshops, intranet, bulletins, banners, PLN Indonesia Power magazines, and Annual Reports.

Mechanism for Reporting Violations

Reports of indications of fraud, criminal activities, violations of company policies, and breaches of ethical codes involving all levels of PLN Indonesia Power can be submitted through the company's website or email, or official letters. PLN Indonesia Power provides extensive opportunities for reporting violations, both from internal parties of PLN Indonesia Power and external stakeholders, by clearly stating identities or anonymously, along with supporting evidence of violations.

PLN Indonesia Power is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the informant's information and the alleged violator as a practice of confidentiality principle. The identity of the informant is only known to the violation reporting admin unless the informant permits the disclosure of their identity.

Reports of alleged violations can be submitted via:

Company Website:
Official Letter to the Company:
     c/o Violation Reporting Admin PT PLN Indonesia Power Head Office
     Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kavling 18, Kuningan Timur, Setiabudi, South Jakarta 12950

Official Letter submitted through the Drop Box available in the lobby of the 1st floor Head Office PT. PLN Indonesia Power.
Short Message/WhatsApp to Number 08119798888
WBS Application: